
At BFIT, we're taking a small step approach to stay positive.  

Rather than worry about the longterm, we are focused on just four weeks from now.  At that time, we're hoping that change will be in the air and the virus won't, and a limited opening for BFIT members could be on the horizon. 

We are monitoring the state and federal guidelines for a safe reopening date and process (maybe a sign up at the beginning so we can keep the numbers low and practice social distancing). 

Please remember that the entire time BFIT is closed we will add this time to the end date of your prepaid membership and/or credit the time on your autopay schedule upon reopening. Please know that if you prefer to cancel your autopay, I understand, and you can do this by sending me a personal email at kim@bfitvt.com.  If I do not hear from you, your autopay will deduct per usual and when we reopen I will credit you the time lost due to our closure.

In the time we are closed we have professionally shampooed the carpets, continue to disinfect surfaces throughout the club and tuned up the machines. Please look at the BFIT Bog for videos of workouts you can do while you are social distancing.  Presently we have exercise suggestions for simple total body strength and core exercises and a video of Nakeeya's Interval Mashups class for you more advanced exercisers.  Let me know what you are doing to stay fit and healthy during this isolation time(send pictures for posting.  Let's all hope to be together at BFIT again soon. 

Be Well.  BFIT. Kim Jacobs

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