At-Home Workouts - STRENGTH AT HOME


Strength Training 1-2 times per week will help you maintain muscle, support your joints and help you continue to do the activities you love. Here are some exercises that we did regularly in WalkFit, Strength and Core.

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1 . Rotational Squat

Sets: 1 | Weight: body weight | Reps: 8 complete

1. Stand in front of a chair.
2. Rotate shoulders and hips to one side as you squat back and sit down.
3. Push through hips and return to standing position.
4. Repeat in opposite direction to complete 1 rep.

Be sure to: Keep your chest up, back flat, and do not let your knees collapse to the inside throughout the movement.

You should feel it: Working your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

2.(DB) Dumbbell Single Arm Row

Sets: 1 set each arm | Weight: super heavy | Reps: 12

Stand in split step stance; weight in opposite arm of leg forward. Pull weight up towards armpit and lower down slowly.

3. Resistance band pull aparts

Sets: 1 | Weight: long band | Reps: 12

Wall sit or Sit down with good posture: Shoulders above Hips,head on top of shoulders(ears lined up with shoulders). with band(not handles) on hands extend arms in front of chest and then pull arms out to side. Squeeze shoulder blades toward spine and down intoyour "back pocket". If you need to make it easier separate your hands more on the band. Harder: bring your hands closer.