Small Changes To Lead A Healthier Lifestyle

Winter can be an easy time to lose sight of your active lifestyle. It’s no argument that there are many more activities to keep your body moving during the warmer months than in the dead of winter. Regardless of the season, we should focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While workouts and diets may need to be slightly modified throughout the year, there are several small changes you keep all year long to maintain a healthy lifestyle. See what tips our team at BFIT encourages you to try.

  1. Make Sleep A Priority.

    It’s easy to stay up late wrapping up work or taking care of the kid’s lunches for the next day, but your body feels each hour of sleep you’re missing each night. Hold yourself to a consistent sleep schedule, making sure that you get 7–9 hours of sleep every single night. This may mean getting to bed an hour early or pushing your workout back in the day. Not only does the amount of sleep you get directly affect your productivity the next day, but it also can put you at risk for some serious health risks, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.

  2. Make Water Your Best Friend.

    Switch from starting each morning with a cup of coffee to starting each morning with at least 12–16 ounces of water. It’s easy to forget to drink water throughout the day as you’re busy at work, but water can actually improve your performance throughout the day. Invest in a reusable water bottle to carry with you throughout the day and aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. This small change can help improve your skin, promote weight loss and digestion, and more.

  3. Start Making Time to Cook.

    Leave behind the quick meals and takeout and start make time to cook. Cooking your own food allows you to control all of the ingredients that go into your body, thereby increasing your awareness and bettering your health. You will also see massive cost savings in cooking your own food.

  4. Take Time To Move.

    Many of us work office jobs and are unable to stay active throughout the day, so it’s important to get your body moving a bit throughout the day. Take brief five minute walks throughout the day to stretch your body and stay active. If convenient for you, ditch your car and walk or bike to work instead. If not, make time to go on a post-work run or group fitness class.

  5. Prioritize Yourself.

    We often forget to make time to destress and do the things we need most. It’s important to check in with yourself. What do you need that you don’t have right now? Do you need more time to read or meditate? How about spending time away from your screen and engaging with the people you love? Maybe you need a nice bike ride or yoga class. Identify what your body and mind need and make time to do that for yourself.

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